I LIKE TO KICK! I always figured I'd be at least 50 like Sally O'Malley (Molly Shannon from SNL) not 42 when I went through menopause.
I'm brca2 positive. What now?
The first recommendation for brca2 is a prophylactic oophorectomy to reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.This will take away the body's main source of estrogen. Ovarian cancer is hard to detect and is often too advanced by the time it is found. The doctor explained that she will remove the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, and anything else hiding out. She will then do a pelvic wash. Everything will be sent to the lab for testing. M and I both have cysts which didn't seem worrisome until now. M has surgery scheduled for April 2 and I will have mine April 23. The surgery will put us into menopause immediately. However, we will not be able to take any hormone replacements because estrogen is our enemy. I am trying to be positive but the thought of hot flashes, irritability, depression, vaginal dryness, and other side effects freaks me out. I know it's better than getting ovarian cancer but it's still scary.
There are a few recommendations to reduce the risk of breast cancer. The first is monitoring- frequent MRI's, mammograms, ultrasounds, and clinical exams. The second is a prophylactic double mastectomy. This is a very personal decision. My husband and I feel I should have the prophylactic mastectomy. After the mastectomy, my chance of developing breast cancer drops by 90%. Those statistics are amazing but there are sacrifices. I will lose both breasts as well as my nipples and I won't have any sensation even after reconstruction. I will be seeing the breast surgeon and plastic surgeon after I recover from the oophorectomy.
I'm tired today. I told one friend "sharing the news is a bit scary because...it just got real." I'm feeling weepy (maybe it's hormones since I'm due to get the last period of my entire life!) or maybe I'm mourning the loss of my "body parts" already.
Next step for me- MRI scheduled April 5th.