Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 27, 2013

I woke up Tuesday morning with a sense of peace.  I felt the prayers. 
Shel and Jim stayed with me til the very last moment.
I will not get ovarian cancer! 
 Hysterectomy and oophorectomy done. I had a rough day Monday before surgery. I was very anxious and ended up taking Xanax. What a life saver.  Tuesday morning was completely different. I felt calm and peaceful. I have to admit it didn't seem real until the gown went on and the iv went in.  Next, the anesthesiologist went over the game plan- I'm a difficult patient because I'm drug naive, tiny, suffer from vertigo, and have problems with nausea. He did a great job- maybe too good since I couldn't open my eyes until the next day! My surgery went well. I haven't gotten the pathology report back but my doctor said there were no surprises. 
My sister woke up feeling great after her surgery three weeks before- I couldn't open my eyes and was dizzy for days due to the patch I had behind my ear for nausea. I will not talk about the packing that was placed in my body. If you are going to have this surgery inbox me and I will give you the details. I'm not in pain. It feels very tender and my stomach is swollen.  I'm tired all the time. My husband has been amazing. He has taken over and encouraged me to just rest and recover. 
The kids had prom on Friday and that was difficult. Thankfully my sis and friend Missy took all the pictures. I was able to sit and watch. Sis and I were both exhausted after. Little things wear you out quickly.
Next topic, menopause.
I'm less than a week in and it sucks. The hot flashes set in almost immediately.  It's not like anything I can explain. It's horrible. The heat moves up my body and is unbearable. I'm sweating in places I never knew could sweat!  
I'm trying to be positive but,
don't hold it against me if I start swearing like a trucker.
Next surgery, June 3, 2013.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

 the journey becomes real for me tomorrow.
 my first surgery-
 laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy w/bilateral salpingo oophorectomy.
big words for: removing everything.
I'm feeling very emotional.
I wish I had more to write but, I'm out of words. lets do this.

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013

My sister had her hysterectomy/oophorectomy last Tuesday.  The surgery went very well. (the pathology came back clear btw) She said the pain felt like a bad period. I spent the night at the hospital with her and had to take a couple pictures. Who wakes up from surgery and looks this good?????
We were able to Face time with my parents, lil sis, and her son at college.  I think it helped everyone to see her and hear that she was doing well.  We actually took a walk yesterday! 
I am encouraged and hope my surgery goes as smoothly on April 23.
I had my MRI on April 5.  I've never had an MRI and it would've been helpful to hear about the procedure before hand because I did have some anxiety. I am happy to report it wasn't bad.  They put an IV in my arm first then I layed on my stomach with my arms at my sides. Your breasts hang down into a compartment.  You have to lay completely still.  It took 45 minutes (I got an A+ for staying so still).  They told me I could bring a cd but I couldn't hear the music over the loud banging and sirens from the machine. Be prepared for loud noise the entire time. I would also wear comfortable bottoms- not jeans.
 I got my results this morning while getting a pedicure- "we need you to come in for a target ultrasound because there is a 4mm enhancement on your right breast."
The tech was awesome and said I could come for my ultrasound at 2:00.  My sister was able to come with me to the appointment.  We go to as many appointments together as we can so no information gets overlooked or forgotten.  We talked with the tech about the difference between MRI and ultrasound.  If the MRI shows everything why am I having an ultrasound now?  She explained that the MRI shows everything but not specific.  The ultrasound is specific once something is seen.
I found out I have a cyst on the back, behind my nipple. It is benign.  I will not need to have any follow up since both breasts are being removed June 3, 2013. 
I'm exhausted.  I feel great physically but this is very stressful and it wears me out.  I didn't want to be talking about brca every day but it really does take over your every thought.  I hope once the surgeries are done and I'm healed I can leave brca in the past and start living again.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

I'm sad today.  My mom is having a bad reaction to her chemo (rash on her entire body and thrush in her mouth) and there is nothing I can do to help.  I feel the miles between us. 
My sister, M, is having her hysterectomy and oophorectomy tomorrow. She is coming to terms with the seriousness of the brca2 diagnosis.  It's not easy because we really don't have any choice-the surgeries must be done.  The statistics are too high.  One doctor said "it's not if you're going to get cancer but when."  My emotions are all over the place. I'm happy because I can be proactive. I'm scared because I've never been in the hospital except giving birth, I'm annoyed because this is disrupting my life, I'm overwhelmed by the support people have shown, and I'm thankful for my amazing husband.
I wanted to write a little bit about my sister.  For as long as I can remember I've wanted to be with her. When I was young, I'd sit outside her bedroom waiting for her to make time for me.  I wanted to borrow her clothes and style my hair just like hers. She was confident. She was a brilliant. She was strong. She was beautiful. She was my big sister.
Years and a few wrinkles later, she is still all those things. But, now
she is also
my best friend. 
Please pray for M tomorrow. Her surgery is scheduled for 11:15. 

August 24th, 2013

I can't believe I haven't blogged since June 19th. The last few months have been absolutely crazy. I'll give an update on my ...